The propaganda about the necessity of milk is so strong that it is a shock to hear that milk is not necessary for good health, and it may even be detrimental to sound health. Everyone’s parents told them that drinking milk is good. 2 cups a day, you’ll stay in good health.
Dr. N.K. Sharma cites lots of research in the book and drives a very logical point home. Humans don’t have any enzymes to digest milk from a foreign source after weaning away from mother’s milk.
Just like you would not take the blood of another blood group, let alone another animal, inside yourself. It is mindless to consume cow milk. Every other mammal on earth only consumes milk of their own species. You don’t see lions hunting deer for their milk. It is not the law of nature to consume another mammal’s milk. So why do humans need cow’s milk?
All milk is not created equal
Above all, over thousands of years, each mammal has developed milk to suit it’s own children, not humans. There are different nutrients in different quantities in different mammal’s milk, that are suited for the growth and development of that particular animal.
For example, cows milk is designed for a calf that weighs ~40 kg at birth and grows up to ~900 kg in 2 years. Thus, cow milk has more steroids in it for accelerated growth.
On the other hand, human babies weigh 3–4 kg at birth and only grow up to 50–70 kg in 18 years. We don’t need that extra growth hormone, it is just not natural.
But, milk makes my bones strong…
The author smartly debates the Calcium propaganda. We’ve all heard it, milk gives you calcium, right? Nope. Milk has calcium in it, it does not give you calcium.
A bottle with water in it cannot quench your thirst if it cannot be opened.
The calcium in cows milk is basically useless because it has insufficient magnesium content. The absorption of calcium takes place in humans with a 2:1 ratio with phosphorous, no animal milk has this ratio. Hence, the calcium is of no use.
Pasteurized milk is dead food.
Pasteurization is heating milk to kill off all potentially harmful bacteria. The disease producing qualities of milk multiply when pasteurized. Enzymes are what keep a cell alive. If you heat a food item above 130°F, the enzymes in it die. Pasteurize milk at 170°F, and you end up with a soup of dead enzymes.
Experiments by Francis M. Pottenger, an English physician, observed that calves fed on pasteurized milk died before maturity in 9 out of 10 cases. If pasteurized milk is not good for the very animal it is meant for, how could it be any good for humans?
We all love milk products, so stopping it completely would be a little difficult. In the book, the author recommends no more than 200 ml of milk consumption a day. A cappuccino or a cup of chai is no harm. Rejoice.
When Dr. N. K. Sharma, a distinguished naturopath and founder of Reiki Healing Foundation, first published Milk: A Silent Killer in 1987, his was a voice in the wilderness, proclaiming a message, the world, or at any rate India, was not ready to receive.
Today, 25 years later, veganism (a rejection of all animal produce including milk and honey) is a popular philosophy with lakhs of followers worldwide. There is more and more proof that animal milk may not be the epitome of wholesomeness we have long taken it to be, that it is not beneficial to the infant and is behind many lifestyle diseases such as asthma, cancer, and heart ailments.
Dr Sharma’s meticulously researched and closely argued treatise challenges all received wisdom on the subject and proves his point with stunning clarity. This book is a revelation for all those who wish to heal themselves or to lead a healthy life by abiding by nature’s laws.
We have gained tremendously by stopping all milk and following the protocols of Freedom From Diabetes.
A must read book.
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