Rich Dad's Advisors: ABCs of Building a Business Team That Wins by Blair Singer


Blair Singer's The ABC's of Building a Business Team That Wins offers a set of simple, powerful rules that govern the internal behaviours of any business, organization, family or individual. They are rules like 'Never abandon a teammate in need', 'Be personally responsible for all mistakes' and 'Be on time'.

Great champions in sports, business and even families have one thing in common. It's a legitimate secret weapon. It is something that lies deep in the genetic code of winning organizations. It appears when pressure is high, when the stakes are critical and when everything is on the line. They know how to work as a team. 

Blair Singer's The ABC's of Building a Business Team That Wins offers a set of simple, powerful rules that govern the internal behaviours of any business, organization, family or individual. They are rules like 'Never abandon a teammate in need', 'Be personally responsible for all mistakes' and 'Be on time'.

Here he provides the recipe for the “Code of Honor” – the sauce that binds and blends the individual ingredients; the layer which brings out the best in everything; the “set of simple, powerful rules that govern the internal behavior of any team, organization, family, individual and even nation.”

The book journeys through why, how, what and who. Why you need it, how to get the right people on your team, how to create the code, what you’ll gain from it, what to do if you or someone breaks it, and how to keep going when the heat is on. It concludes by reinforcing that to be the best you need to start right now and develop your own code.

What makes it good, even excellent, and certainly thought provoking, with some great ideas to try out include:
  • It is interactive through the inclusion of team tips and team drills. Throughout and at the end of sections he summarizes the main lessons and provides readers with activities they can do within their own teams to bring the lessons alive.
  • His evangelical style, energy and enthusiasm shine through and grip your heart, mind and soul, preparing you and your team to ‘stand in the heat’ and go for gold.
  • It covers more than just team building tips and ideas. You also get advice on leadership and personal development.
If you are a small-business entrepreneur, or are in a position of power in a company, and you are willing to go all out for mutual rather than personal success, then read this book and get the tips on how to develop the code of honor within your team to make it a winner.

This book will step you through the process so that you can create championship results any time, any place.


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