Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing By Gabriel Cousens and David Wagner


Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing 

by Gabriel Cousens MD and David Wagner 
What is Tachyon Energy?

Formless Zero-Point Energy, (in Quantum Physics), is considered to be the starting point of the energetic continuum, and the first formed energy to emerge from it is called Tachyon. Named after the Greek word meaning swift, the word Tachyon, like the word electricity, merely describes a type of energy.
How do Tachyons work?
The answer lies in tachyons. These are particles with imaginary mass that can be thought of as travelling backwards in time. They move faster than light, and slowing down to the speed of light would be as impossible for them as it is for us to accelerate to light speed.

Wagner and Cousens demonstrate a tachyon theory that unveils the delicate weave of Spirit, kundalini, health, physics, and biology as a subtle dance out of traditional healing. 

This book explains, in the authors' persuasive words and case studies, the breakthrough holistic healing technology called Tachyon energy. Benefits include a more rapid healing and at least a partial reversal of the aging process. 

They have successfully merged concepts of science and spirituality, as they bridge the faster than light world of existence with our slower than light world of form. The reader of this book will understand profoundly how tachyon energy is the source of all frequencies as well as the source of all healing.

Gabriel Cousens is the author of seven internationally acclaimed books including Spiritual Nutrition and Creating Peace by Being Peace. Known worldwide as a spiritual teacher and the leading expert in live, plant-source nutrition, Dr. Cousens functions as a holistic physician, psychiatrist, family therapist, and cutting edge researcher on healing diabetes naturally.

Click here to read the book


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