Million Dollar Habits - Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income by Brian Tracy


You are what you are because of your own doing — this is what Million Dollar Habit by Brian Tracy primarily teaches readers. Nothing ever happens by accident or destiny. Your predicament, financial ranking, social status, and personalities are all defined by your choices. So if you want to become successful, you must take an active and conscious effort to get there, like all the other Millionaires who started from scratch.

But you may ask, where do you start? Author Tracy takes a step-by-step guide on developing a set of habits to begin your journey to financial independence. He provides all the essential theories, strategies, tips and explanations behind every Millionaire success story, and encourages readers to put it into practice.

Early on the book, Tracy discusses that raising your self-concept is important in achieving your fullest potential. The first component of the self-concept is the self-idea, which are your goals, dreams, and hopes about your future self. The second part is your self-image, which is how you see yourself in the present situation. The third component is self-esteem, which is the measure of how much you like yourself. The greater your perception is in these three components, the easier it is for you to adopt the Million Dollar Habits.

Key Lessons

Lesson 1: You are what you think

Most of what happen to our lives is the result of our actions and decisions. Whatever we feed our minds, we inevitably manifest. Therefore, the more we think positively, the more we do greater things.

Lesson 2: Habits make you successful

The only difference between successful people and unsuccessful people are habits.

Each one of us has the capacity to be successful; some just have not yet realized it. If we develop the set of habits stated in this book, we will set out on optimizing our fullest potential.

Lesson 3: Habits are difficult but essential to adopt

The keys to shedding old habits and developing new ones areperseverance and patience. It takes time, but it's always possible if we don't give up.

Lesson 4: Raising your self-concept motivates you to do better

We are more capable to improve ourselves once we boost our self-esteem.

Lesson 5: Importance of Self-discipline

Self-discipline is necessary to initiate your journey to success.

Planning is the first step to self-discipline. Don't be haphazard in making choices. Things done in an organized and careful way assures a higher success rate.

Lesson 6: Make it happen

Don't wait for things to happen; make it happen.

Lesson 7: Successful people have healthy relationships with people

Celebrating success by yourself does not yield that much happiness. Always keep the people you love close by yourself. Share success and happiness with others.

Lesson 8: Develop a healthy lifestyle

Above all, you must take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.


You are capable of being successful, and you shall discover how to fulfill that potential by reading this wonderful book.

Although Million Dollar Habits seems centered around financial prosperity, this book tackles every aspect of a successful life. It is not simply philosophical and introspective, but actually gives out essential information and scientific data that may help us gain a positive outlook. Moreover, it is action-oriented, loaded with specific tasks and exercises for readers to practice in real life. This is a must-read for all entrepreneurs who are in the early stages of starting their own businesses. 

Click here to read the book


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