The Five Love Languages - The Secret to love that lasts by Gary Chapman
There are five love languages:
- Words of Affirmation
- Acts of Service
- Receiving Gifts
- Quality Time and
- Physical Touch.
Each one is important and expresses love in its own way. Learning your partner's and your own primary love language will help create a stronger bond in your relationship.
The Book in Three Sentences
- People speak different love languages
- After many years of marriage counseling, Chapman’s conclusion is that there are five emotional love languages—five ways that people speak and understand emotional love.
- Chapman believes that, once you identify and learn to speak your spouse’s primary love language, you will have discovered the key to a long-lasting, loving marriage.
The Five Big Ideas
- We have been led to believe that if we are really in love, it will last forever. However, once the experience of falling in love has run its course, we return to the world of reality and begin to assert ourselves.
- Some couples believe that the end of the “in-love” experience means they have only two options: a life of misery with their spouse or jump ship and try again.
- However, there is a third and better alternative: We can recognize the in-love experience for what it was—a temporary emotional high—and now pursue “real love” with our spouse.
- Your partner’s complaints are the most powerful indicators of her primary love language.
- There is nothing more powerful than loving your partner even when they’re not responding positively.
Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn't your love -it's your love language.
In this international bestseller, Dr. Gary Chapman reveals how different people express love in different ways. What speaks volumes to you may be meaningless to your spouse. But here, at last, is the key to understanding each other's unique needs. Apply the right principles, learn the right language and soon you'll know the profound satisfaction and joy of being able to express your love -and feeling truly loved in return.
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